martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Rittenhouse_Olivia Arthur_Week2

Olivia Arthur's photos have a very distinct pattern in that in each of them there is often a focus on one central object or person in the center of the picture amidst other people or objects surrounding it. Much of her pictures are of people. Because of the people being at the center there are 2 distinct lines going through each picture each halfway between what would be half of the picture to the center. There is also often a line on the top portion of the picture from a window or a portrait frame. In that respect there is also a re-occuring line a quarter above the bottom of the photo as well.

Arthur was born in London and studied math at Oxford & photojournalism at the London College of Printing. One of her mot important works was "The Middle Distance" which is "about the lives of young women along the border between Europe & Asia, which was premiered at Centre Pompidou in Paris. She continues to work on this project further today.

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